Sunday 30 September 2012

What's on the painting desk?

Hello folks,

Keeping with the format I've posted some in progress images of the fledgling chaos army over on Codex Imperialis, the blogs sister site for all things non-imperial space marine. Thought I would give it some advertising here as they will be my main project for the forseeable future and so index astartes may be a bit quiet in the interim. Please check it out and follow it if you like what you see. 


Friday 28 September 2012

6 Part tyranid Vs Imperium campaign begins.

Hey folks,

I will probably post the battle reports for this up on the other blog as it is mainly Imperial guard Vs Tyranids, with a bit of Dark Angels thrown in for flavour. My good friend Commissar Bob is the Imperial guard enthusiast who has come up with the scenarios. Three of the games will be more or less standard 40k, one space hulk, one a kind of zone mortalis/kill team/starcraft mission and finally to decide the ultimate outcome an apocalypse game. Old two eye is the tyranid player, with whom I paired up with in the first game Vs Imperial Guard. Without further ado please find the scenario below and head over to Codex Imperialis soon for the report.

100 DAYS
The race to save Omega
"There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which functions on an unimaginable, galactic scale and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-engineered monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct. We have given the horror a name to salve our fears; we call it the Tyranid race, but if it is aware of us at all it must know us only as Prey."
— Inquisitor Czevak at the Conclave of Har

Mission One – Day Five -- “The Awakening”
It is three days since the first blood was spilled in the battle for Omega. Reports of civilian disappearances, relayed to Planetary Command from various settlements and industrial sites scattered across the world’s single continent, have been largely ignored. No authority at the capital Zenica has any conception of the looming horror, nor the threat of every wasted day to the continued existence of life on the planet.
When a platoon from the small military outpost at Jablanicka fails to report after routine patrols, Captain Besic reacts with customary caution. He sends out two patrol groups, one to investigate the disused chemical plant to the West of the outpost, and one to search the woods to the East. The events of the next few hours, so far beyond the most awful imaginings of the Jablanicka men, would have knock-on effects of the most severe importance.
The race to same Omega had begun.

Mission Length:
As per standard missions.
Deployment etc:
The Imperial Guard set up first, deploying anywhere on the board except for the 12” within each short board edge [note: I’ve done a preliminary set-up on an 8 by 4 board for this – I think we’ll need that much space to make this work because of the ‘escape’ victory conditions and because of the amount of infantry]. The Imperial Guard player may not use any reserves.
The Tyranid player places his entire force in reserve. Units that enter play using the outflank rule may enter from either short board edge, as chosen by the Tyranid player.
The Tyranids take first turn.
Victory Conditions:
The aim for the Imperial player is to have as much of his force having escaped the battlefield, as possible at the end of the game. This will allow the greatest chance of warning Imperial Guard Command of the impending Tyranid threat – but having one squad escape the battlefield may not be enough, as the route back to the nearest friendly forces is long and dangerous.
For each unit that exits the battlefield add points as shown on the following table:
Unit type
Company Command Squad
Platoon Command Squad
Any other unit (including tanks and dedicated transports)
*If the unit escapes the battlefield while mounted in a Chimera, add an additional 1 point to reflect their increased speed back home (therefore a Platoon Command Squad that escapes in a Chimera would score a total of 4 points – 2 for the squad, 1 for the Chimera and a bonus of 1).
Units that are broken at the end of the game, or exit a table edge while broken, score nothing.
At the end of the battle add the total Imperial Guard score and compare it to the total number of Tyranid units on the battlefield. This table explains who has won the battle and suggested rules to carry forward to mission 2:
Score difference
Impact on Mission 2
IG win by 10 or more
Significant IG victory
Imperials take first turn, can chose Elite units and flyers
Level, or IG win by 1-9
Minor IG victory
Imperials  take first turn, can chose Elite units
Tyranid win by 1-4
Minor Tyranid victory
Tyranids take first turn. Imperials cannot chose flyers
Tyranid win by 5 or more
Significant Tyranid victory
Tyranids take first turn. Imperials cannot choose Elites or flyers.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Dark Vengeance Dark Angels painting tutuorials part 3 - Deathwing

Third and final in the series of Dark vengeance painting tutorials is the Deathwing sergeant, which should demonstrate how I paint both deathwing armour, green robes and DA power swords. The format Is a little different this time in that I hope to demonstrate how to paint a model to tabletop standard first before going for the higher finished standard that I normally paint to. There are less step-by-step pictures as a result but it should be apparent from the descriptions and finished pictures how to get from A to Z.

1.       Start with the model basecoated in white spray primer. If not, paint a layer of ulthuan grey on before painting several thinned layers of ceramite white over it. (spray advised)
2.       Paint a layer or two of ushabti bone on the armoured sections.
3.       Slightly thin some seraphim sepia with water (or preferably lahmian medium) and wash it over the armour sections ensuring enough reaches into the recesses. (if you are only going for a tabletop finish then skip steps 4+5 and move on to the next section)
4.       When the wash is dry, mix some ceramite white 50:50 with ushabti bone and edge highlight the armour.
5.       For sharp edges and corners consider using a little thinned ceramite white to add extra contrast.

Tabletop details:
1.       Paint the fang and fenrisian grey (50:50) onto the crest feathers.
2.       Paint two layers of caliban green onto the chest eagle, right leg bas-relief and robe.
3.       Paint the metal areas with leadbelcher
4.       Paint the gun, jewels, lenses and scabbard mephiston red
5.       Paint the sword abaddon black
6.       Paint the cords and deathwing symbol khorne red.
7.       Paint the crux terminates with two layers of eshin grey
8.       Paint the iron halo motif, sword hilt and other detailing balthasar gold.
9.       Paint the feathers behind the iron halo motif ceramite white
10.   Paint the dagger and sword handle doombull brown
11.   Paint the purity seal and scrollwork rakarth flesh
 So there you go, eleven easy steps to take the model from being base coated with armour to being fully tabletop ready. This should take about 45 mins not including drying times and just requires some small brushes and patience. The next section is for higher standard painting and assumes that you have followed the above steps, thus the base coat for all the colours should have been done and is not included. 

1.       Paint 50:50 caliban green and warpstone glow onto the robes.
2.       Paint the raised areas warpstone glow
3.       Wash with biel-tan green
Green Deathwing iconography:
1.       Wash with nuln oil
2.       When dry, drybrush with caliban green 50:50 with ushabti bone.
Red cord:
1.       Wash with agrax earthshade
2.       Highlight with a light drybrush of khorne red and screamer pink 50:50
Crest feathers:
1.       Carefully paint the individual feathers with fenrisian grey, leaving the basecoat in the recesses
2.       Paint the edges of the feathers with ceramite white.
Note, this is tricky and requires a steady hand, fine brush and patience but is worth it for the result.
1.       Wash with agrax earthshade
2.       Paint over with mephiston red.
3.       Add a small notch to the bottom of the object with squig orange
4.       Paint a dot of light with ceramite white towards the top of the object.
Note, this is a brief description – there are many better jewel painting tutorials out there.
Metal areas:
1.       Wash with nuln oil
2.       Drybrush runefang steel
1.       Wash with thinned nuln oil
2.       Drybrush over with ceramite white
1.       Wash with seraphim sepia
2.       Edge highlight with ushabti bone when dry
3.       Add abaddon black linework for text.
Deathwing company symbol:
1.       Wash agrax earthshade
2.       Paint khorne red
3.       Highlight mephiston red
Gold areas:
1.       Wash agrax earthshade
2.       Paint over auric armour gold
Gun casing:
1.       Highlight squig orange
2.       Wash carroburg crimson
1.       Wash agrax earthsahde
2.       Drybrush eshin grey
3.       Drybrush dawnstone
This is a complex bit of paintwork involving wet blending. Start with a mix of abaddon black and xereus purple 1/3 of the way up the sword and gradually increase the purple ratio until at 2/3 of the way up it is pure purple. Then, start mixing the purple with ushabti bone until at the very top you have about 50:50. Then add even more ushabti bone to the mix and highlight the edges at the top. Use pure xereus purple to highlight the edge of the shaft. Then just do a few crackling energy arcs from the base using thinned ceramite white. I will do a tutorial on grey knight nemesis weapons in a few weeks which makes things clearer. 


So that’s it, the end of the tutorials. I have enjoyed making them and so may do more again in future – I will take requests so contact me if there’s something you need help with. Hope they have been useful and enjoyable. 
 Shopping list:
·         Mephiston red
·         Khorne red
·         Ceramite white
·         Rakarth flesh
·         Abaddon black
·         Caliban green
·         Mournfang brown
·         Leadbelcher
·         Balthasar gold
·         Doombull brown
·         Agrax earthshade
·         Carroburg crimson
·         Seraphim sepia
·         Biel tan green
·         Nuln oil
·         Auric armour gold
·         Runefang steel
·         Squig orange
·         Xereus purple
·         Warpstone glow
·         Fenrisian grey
·         The fang
·         Screamer pink
·         Dawnstone
·         Eshin grey

Sunday 16 September 2012

Dark vengeance Dark Angels painting tutorials part 2 - Ravenwing

Hi folks,

A bit later than promised through illness, here is the second part of the painting tutorials; this time for the ravenwing. I have chosen to use the sergeant so that I can also add in painting tips for faces and for robes. The order below is the suggested one to paint in. Slightly different format to the previous tutorial but I think this way works better. Enjoy.

White areas:
1.       Paint one or two layers of dawnstone onto the feathers and ravenwing symbols.
2.       Paint ulthuan grey atop the dawnstone, but leave the dawnstone visible in the recesses between feathers. For areas such as the chainsword wing motif you can make life easier by brushing at 90 degrees to the direction of the feathers to coat the body of them but leave the recesses. This is hard to do on the banner pole and bike fairings though so best to take your time.
3.       Paint a thin line of ceramite white onto the edges of the white areas as a highlight.
Note, some may prefer to paint the entire area ceramite white, wash with nuln oil then brush a highlight on. I personally don’t like the effect as much but it presents less of a challenge than the above method.

1.       Mix a 50:50 of dheneb stone and calthan brown (rakarth flesh and mournfang brown) and give the robes an even coverage which may require 2 coats. Note, mournfang brown is not a very good match for calthan brown regardless of the conversion chart so a slightly darker brown may be needed. Somewhere between mournfang brown and rhinox hide?
2.       Paint the raised areas dheneb stone.
3.       Paint the recesses with calthan brown.
4.       Wash the whole area with seraphim sepia to tie the colours together. 

Metal areas:
1.       Paint leadbelcher onto the areas such as the wheel rims, engine, exhaust, chainblade etc.
2.       Wash the areas with nuln oil.
3.       Highlight with runefang steel.

1.       Paint the pouches rhinox hide.
2.       Wash with agrax earthshade
3.       Highlight edges with mournfang brown.

1.       Paint cadian fleshtone onto the head
2.       Wash the head with reikland fleshshade, ensuring that the recessed areas have the wash in for definition.
3.       Mix in some kislev flesh to the cadian fleshtone and paint all areas but the recesses.
4.       Add in more cadian flehtone to the above mix and highlight the cheekbones and brows.
5.       One last time, add some more cadian fleshtone (so it’s about 50:50) and highlight the extreme edges.
6.       For the eyes, take a very fine detail brush and put a sliver of ceramite white on the eyes either side, leaving the wash from earlier for definition.
7.       Lastly, dot a pupil of abbadon black in the same place on each eye. 
Painting faces is really tricky and requires a lot of practice. Best advice I can give is to take some time looking at tutorials and the pictures in WD trying to figure out how it’s done and where to put the highlights. Eyes just require a fine brush and steady hand.

Purity seals:
1.       Paint rakarth flesh onto the seals – several coats may be needed for a smooth finish.
2.       Wash the seals with seraphim sepia.
3.       Paint some ushabti bone on the edges of the seals when the wash dries.
4.       With a fine brush, paint lines of abaddon black onto the seals to resemble lines of text.
5.       Paint mephiston red on the wax areas and highlight with squig orange before washing them with carroburg crimson, OR
6.       Paint caliban green on the wax areas and highlight with warpstone glow before washing them with agrax earthshade.
Note, the same methods can be used for the buttons on the control panel and handles as for the wax seals.

Red weapons:
1.       Paint the boltguns and chainsword mephiston red, several layers for a smooth finish.
2.       Edge highlight the areas with squig orange.
3.       Wash with carroburg crimson.

Gold detailing:
1.       Paint balthasar gold onto the areas such as the skull halo crest on the handlebars, fairing trim and crux symbols.
2.       Wash with agrax earthshade
3.       Highlight with auric armour gold.

1.       Paint the light Yriel yellow.
2.       Wash with Seraphim sepia.
3.       Add another layer of  Yriel yellow.
4.       Paint ceramite white highlights on the individual light panes.
Control panel:
1.       Paint the panel sotek green.
2.       Mix some fenrisian grey into the sotek green to highlight the raised areas.
3.       Use thinned fenrisian grey to paint thin lines of radar onto the screen.
4.       Optionally, add a few dots of mephiston red for blips on the screen.
Inside Robes:
1.       Paint khorne red in several layers.
2.       Highlight raised areas with mephiston red.
3.       Wash with agrax earthshade.

1.       Last but not least the black areas. Tidy up any mistakes from earlier on using abaddon black.
2.       Use dawnstone to apply thin edge highlights to the bike/armour.
3.       Leave the tyres. Wait until the entire model is finished (and spray varnished if you choose) and then paint on a layer of ardcoat to the tyres to make them a different, glossy shade to the armour.
Note, the finished model is shown below as is another model demonstrating an alternative robe colouring using Rakarth flesh, ushabti bone, seraphim sepia and ushabti bone in that order.

Shopping list:
·         Mephiston red
·         Khorne red
·         Ceramite white
·         Rakarth flesh
·         Abaddon black
·         Caliban green
·         Cadian fleshtone
·         Rhinox hide
·         Mournfang brown
·         Leadbelcher
·         Balthasar gold
·         Agrax earthshade
·         Carroburg crimson
·         Seraphim sepia
·         Nuln oil
·         Reikland fleshshade
·         Auric armour gold
·         Runefang steel
·         Squig orange
·         Yriel yellow
·         Warpstone glow
·         Fenrisian grey
·         Sotek green
·         Kislev flesh
·         Dawnstone
·         Ulthuan grey