Hi folks,
Blog wars 5 may be gone but the Astartes are far from forgotten. In a role reversal, the Eldar army I've put together prospectively for blog wars 6 will be taking centre stage on the hobby desk for a the next few months. However, having had so much fun painting Lysander and using new techniques I decided a nice 'pick up and paint' side project to go alongside the Eldar army painting was needed. And so, following on from my multi-chapter themed blog wars army, I have assembled one Character from each army to paint up. Some are nearly finished, others not even basecoated yet, but the idea would be that while the Eldar army has a specified end goal, I can paint as little or as much of these guys as I want if I decide I need a break from xenos. Also, as a result of posting them here, if anyone has any specific request to see any of these chaps finished sooner rather than later I will see that s incentive to paint. Please make any such requests as comments. Cheers.
The Chaplains of the lot, Raven Guard and Blood Angel. Lemartes is unconverted, but the Raven Guard Chaplain has a helmet sculpted onto a Corvadaye body with a crozius instead of a hammerhead |
Onto the psykers. Njal is mounted on a resin skull base most of which will ultimately be obscured by snow. The Grey knight is a conversion from terminator parts and greenstuff |
Belial is converted from deathwing parts and is nearly finished. Kantor also has a lot painted on him |
These Captains are conversions from the chapter masters. The Imperial fist will likely be repainted using a similar technique to my Lysander, while most of the Salamander is base coated. |
On to named characters. Left is my Gabriel Angelos Blood Ravens conversion who needs work on the armour and sword. Right is Sicarius, sporting an old-school coloured plasma pistol |
This Iron hands dreadnought isn't a character as such but happens to be the only Iron Hands model Ive yet to paint and thus makes the cut by default |
This Khan conversion pre-dates the metal model and was based on the codex artwork. |
These two chaps are converted from the black reach captain. On the left is a Luna Wolves centurion, who was originally to be my Loken before FW made their model (birthday coming up Mrs J - hint hint!). The right hand one is a Black Templars Marshall |
Here are the in-progress bases for Khaaaan, the Centurion and the Marshall. The Whitescars have a jungle (ahem, aquarium plants) theme, the Luna Wolves city streets and the Black Templars I have decided to go with a mudded and littered trench battlefield |
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