Left to right it consists of 2 Wulfen packs, 2 Thunderwolf packs, Logan, Harald, Canis, Iron Priest on wolf, 3 Lone wolves/Battle leaders, 10 Fenwolves (+2 cyberwolves), 3 Wolf Priests (including Ulrik), a land raider crusader, Stormwolf, 5 terminators (2 to be used as Arjac/Wolflord) 5 wolf guard, 3 Rune Priests (1 is Njal, 1 is a proxy), 15 Blood claws plus Lukas, 2x 10 grey hunters in rhinos, 3 dreadnoughts (can be assembled in various combos to include bjorn and murderfang) 6 long fangs, 5 skyclaws (plus a JP wolf guard) 5 wolf scouts and a footslogging Iron Priest (totally forgot to add the drop pod into the pic).
Sons of Russ (Space Wolves)
Left to right it consists of 2 Wulfen packs, 2 Thunderwolf packs, Logan, Harald, Canis, Iron Priest on wolf, 3 Lone wolves/Battle leaders, 10 Fenwolves (+2 cyberwolves), 3 Wolf Priests (including Ulrik), a land raider crusader, Stormwolf, 5 terminators (2 to be used as Arjac/Wolflord) 5 wolf guard, 3 Rune Priests (1 is Njal, 1 is a proxy), 15 Blood claws plus Lukas, 2x 10 grey hunters in rhinos, 3 dreadnoughts (can be assembled in various combos to include bjorn and murderfang) 6 long fangs, 5 skyclaws (plus a JP wolf guard) 5 wolf scouts and a footslogging Iron Priest (totally forgot to add the drop pod into the pic).